Environmental Economics
The Research Center for Environmental Economics (Forschungszentrum für Umweltökonomie, FZU) brings together a dynamic group of economists who all work on solving pressing problems situated at intersection of the natural environment and the economy.
We use theory, empirical, and experimental methods for better understanding the challenges of sustainable resource management and to provide relevant policy recommendations. Use this webpage as a platform to stay tuned in on our work or to explore the various projects we are involved in, many of them interdisciplinary.
New Publications
Florian Diekert & Tillmann Eymess (2024): Changing Collective Action: Nudges and Team Decisions. Accepted in Games and Economic Behavior.
Timo Goeschl & Alice Soldà (2024): (Un)Trustworthy Pledges and Cooperation in Social Dilemmas. Accepted in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
Epperson, R., T. Goeschl, J. Diederich (2024): How to Design the Ask? Funding Units vs. Giving Money. Management Science. See: https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/full/10.1287/mnsc.2021.00157
Chlond, B., C. Gavard & L. Jeuck (2023): How to support residential energy conservation cost-effectively? An analysis of public financial schemes in France. Environmental and Resource Economics 85, 29-63.
Gallier, C., T. Goeschl, M. Kesternich, J. Lohse, C. Reif, D. Römer (2023): Inter-Charity Competition Under Spatial Differentiation: Sorting, Crowding, and Spillovers. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 216, 457-468.
Goeschl, T., M. Oestreich & A. Soldà (2023): Compliance and Truthfulness: Leveraging Peer Information for Competitive Audit Mechanisms. Journal of the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists. 10(4), July 2023, 947-979.
D'Amato, A., T. Goeschl, L. Lorè, M. Zoli (2023): True to Type? EU-Style Date Marking and the Valuation of Perishable Food. Food Policy 114 (2023), 102381.
New Projects
- MultiTip-ER (BMBF) – Tipping points in Lake Victoria fisheries: Phase 2: Enhancing Resilience. See:
- ERWIN (Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation) – Improving energy efficiency in low-income households: Empirical evidence and field experiments. See:
- DFIELD (4EU+ Seeds) – Designing behavioural field Interventions in Europe to lower air pollution exposure and damages. See:
Job Vacancies
Members of the FZU are typically active in a number of exciting research projects, many of them externally funded. .