Environmental Economics Jun.Prof. Dr. Anca Balietti
Tel. +49 6221 54 8012
E-Mail: anca.balietti@awi.uni-heidelberg.de
Office Hours: Please make an appointment via E-Mail

Research Interest & Short CV
Research Interests
- Environmental economics
- Development economics
- Health economics
- Climate change economics
- Economics of growth and green growth
Education and Employment
- starting December 2018: Assistant Professor (Junior Professor) AWI, Heidelberg University
- March 2016 – June 2018: Post-doctoral fellow Harvard University
- December 2015: PhD in Economics, University of Zurich
- June 2010: MSc in Finance, University of Lausanne
- June 2008: BSc in Finance, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
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Refereed Publications |
Books |
Working Papers |
The impact of indoor solid fuel use on the stunting of Indian children, with S. Datta (Glasgow University) |
Public hearings for cleaner mines? Evidence from the Environmental Clearance Process in India, with Lucy Page, Rohini Pande, Kevin Rowe, and Anant Sudarshan |
Long-term Investment Choices for Quinoa Farmers in Puno, Peru: A Real Options Approach, with Marc Chesney and Carlos Vargas. |
On-going Projects
The role of repeated trainings for the correct usage of household green products: A field experiment in rural India, with Rohini Pande (Harvard University), Giorgia Barboni (Princeton University), Parul Agarwal (IFMR), and Daniel Sweeney (MIT).