
Prof. Dr. Christian ConradEconometrics

Research at the Chair of Econometrics focuses on developing econometric methods for applications in macroeconomics and finance.

Specifically, the research focuses on measuring, modeling, and forecasting financial market risks, the interaction between macroeconomic developments and financial markets, and the expectation formation of professional forecasters and households. We offer introductory courses on econometrics and data science and advanced courses in macroeconometrics and financial econometrics.


July 2024

  • Julius Schoelkopf presented the paper “Long-term volatility shapes the stock market’s sensitivity to news" (joint with Christian Conrad and Nikoleta Tushteva) at the Monetary and Capital Markets Policy Forum at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on July 23, 2024. 
  • Julius Schölkopf and Alexander Glas (ZEW Mannheim) published a ZEW policy brief on financial analysts' disagreement on the ECB’s future interest rate path. In the policy brief, they discuss the heterogeneity in expected interest rates using the June 2024 wave of the ZEW’s Financial Market Survey and find that the expected interest path depends on whether or not respondents believe that inflation will converge to the ECB’s target rate in the short-run. Christian Siedenbiedel discussed the policy brief in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on July 9 (“Das große Zins-Szenario”). 

    Policy Brief

    FAZ Article

  • Julius Schoelkopf presented the paper "Beyond the Numbers. Professional Forecasters’ Narratives about Inflation and Stock Market Performance” (joint work with Christian Conrad, Michael Weber, and Frank Brückbauer) at the  "6th Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop on Heterogeneity and Expectations in Macroeconomics and Finance“ on July 5, 2024. 

June 2024

  • Christian Conrad presented the paper „Long-Term Volatility Shapes the Stock Market's Sensitivity to News“ (joint with Julius Schoelkopf and Nikoleta Tushteva) at the Finance@VU seminar at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, June 21, 2024.
  • New Working Paper: Christian Conrad and Zeno Enders (2024). „The Limits of the ECB’s Inflation Forecasts.“ AWI Discussion Paper 747. 


  • Julius Schoelkopf presented the paper "Beyond the Numbers. Professional Forecasters’ Narratives about Inflation and Stock Market Performance” (joint with Christian Conrad, Michael Weber, and Frank Brückbauer) in the seminar of the research group "Pensions and Sustainable Financial Markets” at the Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) in Mannheim on June 5, 2024. 

May 2024

  • Julius Schoelkopf presented the paper “Long-term volatility shapes the stock market’s sensitivity to news" (joint with Christian Conrad and Nikoleta Tushteva) at the Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (RCEA) International Conference in Economics, Econometrics, and Finance at Brunel University (London) on May 20, 2024. 
  • Christian Conrad presented the paper „Long-Term Volatility Shapes the Stock Market's Sensitivity to News“ (joint with Julius Schoelkopf and Nikoleta Tushteva) at the CIREQ-CMP Econometrics Conference in Honor of Eric Ghysels, Montreal, May 10-11, 2024.

April 2024

  • We organise a workshop on “Financial Econometrics & Macroeconomic Expectations” at Villa Menzer, Neckargemünd on April 11.








HKMetrics ist eine gemeinsame Initiative von Prof. Dr. Christian Conrad (Universität Heidelberg), Prof Dr. Melanie Schienle (KIT) und Prof. Dr. Carsten Trenkler (Universität Mannheim) und besteht aus einem gemeinsamen Forschungsseminar in Ökonometrie und einem Doktoranden-Workshop, der einmal im Semester stattfindet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der HKMetrics Website.