Public FinanceDr. Moumita Deb



Room: 00.004
Tel.: +49 6221 54 2955

Office hour: upon request via e-mail


Personal Website

Dr. Moumita Deb

Research Interests

Behavioural/Experimental Economics, Information Economics, Public Economics

Working Papers

Bandyopadhyay, S., Deb, M., Lohse, J., and McDonald, R.L. (2024). The Swing Voter's Curse Revisited: Transparency's impact on committee voting. AWI Discussion Paper No. 744. 

Bandyopadhyay, S., Deb, M., Lohse, J., and McDonald, R.L.. Information Acquisition in a Threshold Public Goods Game.

Deb, M., Vaidya, S.. The impact of social media on traditional media news consumption and subscription revenue.

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