ERASMUSIncoming - Studying in Heidelberg

Whether you are planning to stay at AWI and Heidelberg University or you are already on your way to Heidelberg through the ERASMUS scheme - this site aims to provide you some information on studying at AWI.

Please note that the International Relations Office offers more information on formalities like application, admission and enrollment and living in Heidelberg. There are also Orientation Days for International students before the start of the semester.

Incoming (International Relations Office)


BACHELOR studies are in German in general. There are few lectures within the elective module in English every semester. Depending on when you are checking the course offering, you might not be able to see the courses in the next semester. You can also look at past semesters (e.g. the last winter semester, if you are also staying in the winter semester), which will give you a rough idea on courses offered. Some are offered every winter or summer term, respectively. 

MASTER courses are taught in English.

LECTURES are usually taught 4 - 5 hours per week (lecture plus tutorial). What we call SEMINAR is a meeting of a group of students, each preparing a paper and giving a presentation. There are some in English as well for Bachelor students.

Course Overview


You need to register for your exams. The links, dates and (after the exam) wheb the exam is graded, is published on the website of the examination office.

Please mind two important things before booking your tickets for your journey back home:

1. The exam period always lasts one week longer than the lecture period.

2. If you fail an exam, you can resit the exam in the second exam period, which takes place at the beginning of the following lecture period (in April for the winter term, in October for the summer term)

Please check the date, room and time of your exam on the day it takes place in case there are last minute changes. Good luck!