FAQ heiCO: Bookmarking Courses
There are two options for integrating courses (LV) into your personal calendar and creating a timetable:
- Registration procedure: Courses with a registration procedure for which you have registered are displayed directly, e.g. under My courses.
- Bookmarking: Courses without a registration procedure can be added to your calendar via the bookmarking function. In general, you can reserve courses by clicking on the star next to the course.
You can also export or subscribe to your personal heiCO calendar in other apps and programs. If individual dates are canceled or there are room changes, you will see these in your calendar (but only if you have subscribed to it, not after an export and import).
Two paths to your courses
There are two ways to preregister for courses:
- My degree program: here you will find the courses assigned to the individual modules.
- Courses: here you can quickly find courses whose names you already know or find all courses at Heidelberg University, e.g. for the interdisciplinary module ECON1e/MScE2a.

Path 1: via My degree program
- Click on My degree program
- Expand the list of modules on the left (1) and click on the name of the module with a green dot in front of it at the lowest level (2).
Alternatively: Click on the relevant categories in the overview, e.g. compulsory modules or specific modules. Click on the relevant category in the overview, e.g. compulsory modules or a specific module.

- If necessary, scroll down until you find the lecture.
- Click on the star to bookmark all dates of the course. If you only want to add individual dates, click on the name of the course and select the dates under Dates and groups.

Path 2: Via courses
- Click on Courses on the start page. You will see an alphabetical list of all courses in a selected semester.
- (1) Enter the name of the course you would like to reserve in the search field. You can also search for teachers.
- (2) Click on the name or the symbol to the right of the desired course to open the detailed view. Alternatively, you can also click on the star here and reserve all (i.e. usually too many) dates and groups of the courses

- Scroll to Dates and groups.
- If necessary, expand the list via Show more.
- Select the groups you would like to bookmark by clicking on the star.

Show timetable and calendar
To view all courses (and also exam dates later in the semester) or to export the dates to your desired app, proceed as follows:
- Open Calendar on the heiCO homepage.

- If you have not yet configured the calendar, open the settings.
- Use Publish to activate the calendar for subscription via an iCal link.
- You can use Export to download the current appointments as .ics or in other formats and import them into other applications.

- (1) Select the option “Show appointments for my bookmarked course groups” so that appointments for bookmarked courses are displayed.
- (2) For the timetable view, it may be useful to reduce the minimum number of weekly repetitions to 2.
- You can also customize your view further, e.g. by setting the weekly view to Monday-Saturday or adjusting the start and end times to 8 am - 8 pm.

- By default, your calendar will now show you the course dates for a specific week.
- Now click on Week at the top left and select Weekly Schedule to get a timetable view. Please note that individual dates (e.g. kick-offs, preliminary meetings or block seminar dates) are not displayed in this view!