Organizational BehaviorProf. Dr. Christiane Schwieren


Tel. +49 6221 54 2953
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Raum: 01.004

Donnerstag, 12:00 Uhr, Voranmeldung über

Gleichstellungsbeauftrage der Universität Heidelberg

My current research mainly focuses on gender and diversity-related topics. With colleagues from economics, psychology, and psychiatry, we are trying to better understand which factors lead to differences in female and male careers. We focus on individual-level factors, such as preferences and personality, and structural or contextual factors, such as workplace culture or sexual harassment. A large part of this focuses on women in STEM and academic careers in general. 
I do continue my work on cooperation and workplace stressors, in field studies using survey- and lab-in-the-field methods as well as using laboratory experiments 
I am also interested in methodological questions and innovations. Together with co-authors, we try to increase our understanding of the perceptions that participants in experiments both in Western and non-Western contexts have of the experimental setting, as well as how these perceptions influence their behavior. Recently, we started to explore whether we can leverage LLMs in economic experiments to deepen our understanding of human interaction.

Recent Publications:

  • C Huber, A Dreber, J Huber, M Johannesson, M Kirchler, U Weitzel et a., (2023)  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (23), e2215572120

  • A Isaak, C Schwieren, Y Iida (2022)  Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 99, 101894

  • M Belot, S Müller, HA Rau, C Schwieren (2022) . Frontiers in Psychology 13, 901087 

  • J Müller, C Schwieren, F Spitzer (2022)  Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 97, 101798

  • M Vollmann, C Schwieren, M Mattern, K Schnell (2022) . Plos one 16 (10), e0256553


Google Scholar Profile

Researchgate Profile

Research Interests

  • Behavioural and experimental economics
  • Gender differences in career-relevant decisions
  • Women in STEM and more generally in science (BMBF-Project)
  • Personality and personality disorders and their effects in work settings
  • Mental health in the workplace
  • The effects of sexual harassment on female careers
  • Open access 
  • Experimental methods
  • Workplace culture (a project with an industry partner)


Müssen sich Frauen an die – seit vielen Jahrzehnten gelebten – männlichen Strukturen anpassen, um sichtbar zu sein? Diese Frage stellt sich das Projekt heiCHANGE und untersucht sie, unter anderem mithilfe von Befragungen, systematisch. Ziel des Projekts ist, Anregungen zu Veränderungen der Strukturen in der (deutschen) Wissenschaft zu geben.