UmweltökonomikProf. Dr. Sebastian Rausch


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Raum: 324 (Bergheimer Str. 20)
Sprechstunde: Freitag, 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr (Bitte vorab per E-mail anmelden)

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Short CV

Sebastian Rausch is Professor of Economics (with focus on environmental, energy, and resource economics) at Heidelberg University, where he is also co-director of the Research Center for Environmental Economics (RCEE). He also heads the Research Department “Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management” at the ZEW-Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research in Mannheim. He is a research associate at the Centre for Energy Policy and Economics at ETH Zurich and the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), as well as a member of the Committee on Environmental and Resource Economics of the German Economic Association (VfS).

Prior to joining University Heidelberg and ZEW, Rausch was an assistant professor at ETH Zurich and director of the U.S. Regional Energy & Environment Modeling Project at MIT, after being a research scientist and postdoctoral associate at the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change and the MIT Energy Initiative. Rausch studied economics at the University of Bonn and received his doctorate in economics from the Ruhr Graduate School in Economics and the University of Duisburg-Essen. He received a doctoral scholarship from the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation and was awarded a science prize for his doctoral work.

In his research, Sebastian Rausch focuses on the evaluation of economic policy measures and the design of emissions and energy markets to mitigate climate change and design sustainable energy systems. Rausch conducts research at the interface of environmental and energy economics, public economics, and computational economics, with interdisciplinary links to technology-oriented energy system analysis and environmental sciences. His work has been published in the Journal of Public EconomicsEuropean Economic ReviewAmerican Economic Review P&P, and Nature Climate Change, among others.

Journal Publications

J. Abrell, S. Rausch, and C. Streitberger (201x). Buffering Volatility: Storage Investments and Technology-Specific Renewable Energy Support. Energy Economics, forthcoming.

J. Abrell, S. Rausch, and C. Streitberger (2019). The Economics of Renewable Energy Support.  Journal of Public Economics, 176, 94-117.

F. Landis, S. Rausch, M. Kosch, C. Böhringer (2019). Efficient and Equitable Policy Design: Taxing Energy Use or Promoting Energy Savings? The Energy Journal, 40(1), 73-104.

J. Abrell, S. Rausch, and H. Yonezawa (2019). Higher Price, Lower Costs? Minimum Prices in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 121(2), 446-481.

J. Abrell, M. Kosch, and S. Rausch (2019). Carbon Abatement with Renewables: Evaluating Wind and Solar Subsidies in Germany and Spain. Journal of Public Economics, 169, 172-202.

F. Landis, A. Marcucci, S. Rausch, K. Ramachandran, and L. Bretschger (2019). Multi-model Comparison of Swiss Decarbonization Scenarios. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 155(12).

J. Abrell, S. Rausch, and G. Schwarz (2018). How Robust is the Uniform Emissions Pricing Rule to Social Equity Concerns? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 92, 783-814.

D. Zhang and S. Rausch (2018). Capturing Natural Resource Dynamics in Top-Down Energy-Economic Equilibrium Models. Energy Economics, 74, 917-926.

S. Rausch and H. Yonezawa (2018). The Intergenerational Incidence of a Green Tax Reform. Climate Change Economics, 9(1), 25 pages.

F. Landis and S. Rausch (2018). Deep Transformations of the Energy Sector: A Model of Technology Investment Choice. Energy Economics, 68, 136-147.

F. Landis, S. Rausch, and M. Kosch (2018). Differentiated Carbon Prices and the Economic Costs of Decarbonization, Environmental and Resource Economics, 70, 483-516.

L. Bretschger, F. Lechthaler, S. Rausch, and L. Zhang (2017). Knowledge Diffusion, Endogenous Growth, and the Costs of Global Climate Policy, European Economic Review, 93, 47-72.

J. Abrell and S. Rausch (2017). Combining Price and Quantity Controls Under Partitioned Environmental Regulation, Journal of Public Economics, 145, 226-242.

S. Rausch and G. Schwarz (2016), Household Heterogeneity, Aggregation, and Distributional Impacts of Environmental Taxes, Journal of Public Economics, 38, 43-57.

Abrell and S. Rausch (2016), Cross-Country Electricity Trade, Renewable Energy and European Transmission Infrastructure Policy, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 79, 87-113.

V. Karplus, S. Rausch, and D. Zhang (2016), Energy Caps: Alternative Climate Policy Instruments for China?, Energy Economics, 56, 422-431.

B. Lanz and S. Rausch (2016), Emissions Trading in the Presence of Price-Regulated Polluting Firms: How Costly Are Free Allowances?, The Energy Journal, 37(1), 195-232.

T. Thompson, S. Rausch, R. Saari, and N. Selin (2016), Air Quality Co-Benefits of Sub-National Carbon Policies. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 66(10), 1-15.

K. Tapia-Ahumada, C. Octaviano, S. Rausch, and I. Perez-Arriaga (2015), Modeling Intermittent Renewable Electricity Technologies in General Equilibrium Models. Economic Modelling, 51, 242-262.

S. Rausch and J. Reilly (2015), Carbon Taxes, Deficits, and Energy Policy Interactions. National Tax Journal, 68(1), 157-178.

J. Caron, S. Rausch, and N. Winchester (2015). Leakage from Sub-national Climate Initiatives: The Case of California, The Energy Journal, 36(2), 167-190.

Saari, R., N. Selin, S. Rausch and T.M. Thompson (2015). A Self-Consistent Method to Assess Air Quality Co-Benefits from US Climate Policies, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 65(1), 74-89.

T. Thompson, S. Rausch, R. Saari, and N. Selin (2014). A Systems Approach to Evaluating the Air Quality Co-benefits of US Carbon Policies. Nature Climate Change, 4, 917-923.

E. Blanc, K. Strzepek, A. Schlosser, H. Jacoby, A. Gueneau, C. Fant, S. Rausch, and J. Reilly (2014). Modeling U.S. Water Resources under Climate Change, Earth's Future, 2(4), 197-224.

A. Fawcett, L. Clarke, S. Rausch, and J. Weyant (2014). Overview of EMF 24 Policy Scenarios, The Energy Journal, 35(11), 33-60.

S. Rausch and V. Karplus (2014). Market vs. Regulation: The Efficiency and Distributional Impacts of U.S. Climate Policy Proposals, The Energy Journal, 35(11), 199-227.

S. Rausch and M. Mowers (2014). Distributional and Efficiency Impacts of Clean and Renewable Energy Standards for Electricity, Resource and Energy Economics, 36(3), 556-585.

D. Zhang, S. Rausch, V. Karplus, and X. Zhang (2013). Quantifying Regional Economic Impacts of Carbon Dioxide Intensity Targets in China, Energy Economics, 40, 687-701.

S. Rausch (2013). Fiscal Consolidation and Climate Policy: An Overlapping Generations Perspective, Energy Economics, 40, 134-148.

N. Winchester and S. Rausch (2013), A Numerical Investigation of the Potential for Negative Emissions Leakage, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 103(3), 320–325.

S. Paltsev , H. Jacoby, J. M. Reilly, Q. J. Ejaz, F. O’Sullivan, J. Morris, S. Rausch, N. Winchester, and O. Kragha (2011). Potential U.S. Gas Production, Use, and Trade, Energy Policy, 39, 5309-5321.

B. Lanz and S. Rausch (2011). General Equilibrium, Electricity Generation Technologies and the Cost of Carbon Abatement: A Structural Sensitivity Analysis, Energy Economics, 33, 1035-1047.

X. Gitiaux, S. Rausch, S. Paltsev, and J. M. Reilly (2011). Biofuels, Climate Policy and the European Vehicle, Journal of Transport, Economics and Policy, 46(1), 1-23.

S. Rausch, G. E.Metcalf, and J. M. Reilly (2011). Distributional Impacts of Carbon Pricing: A General Equilibrium Approach with Micro-Data for Households, Energy Economics, 33, S20-S33. Also published as NBER Working Paper No. 17087.

S. Rausch and T. F. Rutherford (2010). Computation of Equilibria in OLG Models with Many Heterogeneous Households, Computational Economics, 36(2), 171-189.

S. Rausch, G. E. Metcalf, J. M. Reilly, and S. Paltsev (2010). Distributional Implications of Alternative U.S. Greenhouse Gas Control Measures, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Symposium, 10(2).  Also published as NBER Working Paper No. 16053. Republished in Distributional Aspects of Energy and Climate Policy, edited by Mark Cohen, Don Fullerton, and Robert Topel. Edward Elgar Publishers, 2013.